Our Curriculum
The MRN approach is a tailored method to guide our educators to work with children and their families, as each child is viewed as full of intelligence, curiosity and interests, confident in constructing their own learning.
Our curriculum has its foundation on the Early Years Foundation Stage and on the famous educational approach ‘Reggio Emilia’. At MRN Nursery, through a play-based approach, we aim to provide a wide range of real-life experiences that would accompany the child for a lifetime.
Some of the key aspects we focus on are:
-The role of the child:
The child is encouraged to be a researcher & co-constructor of their own learning.
-The role of the educator:
Active listeners who inspire curiosity by researching & scaffolding new ideas and topics with the children.
-The role of the environment as a third teacher:
We have created a learning environment allowing children to explore ways of self-expression.
-Loose parts:
Open-ended resources which aim to develop children's imagination, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
We aim to create a ‘home away from home’ feeling. A homely and cozy environment that combines the outdoors with the indoors giving the opportunity to children to thrive and learn in their own unique way.
The role of the environment:
At MRN, we believe the environment for your child's learning is essential in developing their interest and learning about the exciting new world around them. This is why our nurseries have been carefully designed to create an atmosphere that fosters creative exploration, communication and real-life interactions and curiosity.

Our Philosophy
At MRN our vision for children is to create an environment that inspires endless curiosity; for our teachers to nurture children’s ideas into incredible learning experiences and build strong relationships that create the bonds of the MRN family. We believe the MRN learning journey will ignite a life-long passion for discovery and high aspirations for our children.
At MRN we learn through play and follow all aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) alongside our vision. To ensure overall effectiveness we follow the 3 I’s; Intention, Implementation and Impact. We use this tool to effectively analyse and reflect on our practice and children’s development.

Safeguarding and child welfare

At MRN safeguarding encompasses all that we do, from our vigorous recruitment process to the systems in our buildings; child protection is a part of our daily nursery routine. You can be satisfied that your child’s welfare is our number one priority.
Our comprehensive set of Safeguarding policies cover areas from lone working to pick up and drop off procedures. Each of our nurseries has a ‘Designated Safeguarding Officer’ as well as a secondary staff member, one of whom will always be on-site throughout your child’s day. Whilst all MRN staff members are vigilant in their duty of care, it is the Designated person's responsibility to ensure staff members are up to date with the latest safeguarding updates, as well as to take the lead with any areas of concern.​
CCTV systems throughout our nurseries (Management access only).
Entry access to our nurseries only via intercom.
Strict ‘No Mobile Phone’ Policy throughout our nurseries.
Robust vetting and selection process for prospective employees.
Staff members are required to subscribe to the updated DBS service.
Safeguarding training provided to all staff members on a regular basis
Visitors to the nursery are always accompanied.

Play · Explore · Inspire

Healthy Meals & Nutrition